Hey brother,
Thanks for reaching out and requesting the free song. Times are hard for many of us men right now. We are all going through struggles. The storms are raging and it seems we're drowning in the seas of life... and that the struggle is even greater now than it has ever been it seems. We have a lot of weight on our shoulders— sometimes it feels we are carrying the weight of the world. We're overwhelmed and exhausted. We may feel like failures in life. I’ve had a lot of personal friends reach out to me recently and tell me that they are struggling with depression, self-worth, and suicidal tendencies, and just feeling so heavy. I’ve had friends or friends of friends overdose on drugs recently. My old drummer just took his life and another friend of mine said he was struggling with suicidal thoughts as well. I am no stranger to those dark thoughts. I have been there multiple times. I have battled depression and suicidal thoughts. My little brother took his own life many years ago and I know the pain of losing a loved one first hand. Suicide is never the answer.
So here’s the deal, I hope you know that you are a child of the living God---and as his child, you are an heir to the King! As a child of the king, he loves you. God loves you so much. He created you with purpose and through him we find our worth. He created you to prosper and to be blessed (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants you to have the fruit of the spirit which is joy and peace and love and so much more (Galatians 5:22-23.) And he has you in the palm of his hand. God has a purpose for your life. So I say, hang on, hold on, seek him, put him above all things and discover all that he has in store for you. See what amazing things he wants to do in you and through you.
This song is called surrender. I don’t normally write songs from the point of view of God, or Jesus, but I felt I was supposed to, and the song just poured out of me. I hope it speaks to you and to your soul. I have an album coming out this summer with Surrender on it, along with many more similar songs to it-- songs of hope. Songs that lift you up. Just let this song be the words of God speaking to you, into your heart, and may it encourage you and bless you and lift you up. Please know that since you reached out to me, I will personally be praying for you. God bless you brother. May we stay strong together.
God has a story for your life. And it involves him. And your story is not over yet. He has not abandoned you and he has not forgotten you. Trust me on that.
In Him,
your brother in Christ, -- Matthew.
Thanks for reaching out and requesting the free song. Times are hard for many of us men right now. We are all going through struggles. The storms are raging and it seems we're drowning in the seas of life... and that the struggle is even greater now than it has ever been it seems. We have a lot of weight on our shoulders— sometimes it feels we are carrying the weight of the world. We're overwhelmed and exhausted. We may feel like failures in life. I’ve had a lot of personal friends reach out to me recently and tell me that they are struggling with depression, self-worth, and suicidal tendencies, and just feeling so heavy. I’ve had friends or friends of friends overdose on drugs recently. My old drummer just took his life and another friend of mine said he was struggling with suicidal thoughts as well. I am no stranger to those dark thoughts. I have been there multiple times. I have battled depression and suicidal thoughts. My little brother took his own life many years ago and I know the pain of losing a loved one first hand. Suicide is never the answer.
So here’s the deal, I hope you know that you are a child of the living God---and as his child, you are an heir to the King! As a child of the king, he loves you. God loves you so much. He created you with purpose and through him we find our worth. He created you to prosper and to be blessed (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants you to have the fruit of the spirit which is joy and peace and love and so much more (Galatians 5:22-23.) And he has you in the palm of his hand. God has a purpose for your life. So I say, hang on, hold on, seek him, put him above all things and discover all that he has in store for you. See what amazing things he wants to do in you and through you.
This song is called surrender. I don’t normally write songs from the point of view of God, or Jesus, but I felt I was supposed to, and the song just poured out of me. I hope it speaks to you and to your soul. I have an album coming out this summer with Surrender on it, along with many more similar songs to it-- songs of hope. Songs that lift you up. Just let this song be the words of God speaking to you, into your heart, and may it encourage you and bless you and lift you up. Please know that since you reached out to me, I will personally be praying for you. God bless you brother. May we stay strong together.
God has a story for your life. And it involves him. And your story is not over yet. He has not abandoned you and he has not forgotten you. Trust me on that.
In Him,
your brother in Christ, -- Matthew.